Garbage Collection

Garbage & Trash

Starting January 1, 2023, GFL (Green for Life) will begin servicing Town residents. GFL provides a 95-gallon container to each residence and business currently receiving curbside collection, weekly collection of trash, bulk collection once a month, upgraded convenience center equipment, fewer holiday service changes and a dedicated customer service hotline.

Hours for Trash Can Placement (Per Town Code)

Time of placement for trash receptacles for collection: Trash receptacles shall be placed out for trash collection no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of scheduled collection. Trash receptacles shall not be placed out any earlier than 4:30 p.m. (November through March) and no earlier than 7:00 p.m. (April through October), of the day prior to the date of scheduled collection. Trash receptacles shall be removed from the front of the residence as soon as possible after collection, and in no instance shall they be permitted to remain adjacent to the street after 7:00 p.m. on the day of collection. Trash receptacles shall be stored between the dates of collection in a location no closer to the street than behind the front corner of the primary building. Where placement as indicated above is impractical or not feasible, the town manager may designate an alternative location.

Bulk Pickup:

  • The Town, through GFL, will provide bulk item collection for the account holder of up to three individual bulk items, once a month. The Bulk Pickup week schedule is set by GFL. Residents will see the bulk pickup dates for the month on water bills, the Town's website calendar, and on the Town's Facebook Page; Town of Pulaski.
  • Bulk items may include waste materials from a residential source (excluding construction debris), such as sofas, chairs, mattresses, other types of furniture, and appliances (which must have Freon removed prior to placement for collection).
  • Your old trash cans can be placed out for bulk pickup if you need to discard them.
  • Bulk items should be placed out for collection no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of scheduled collection. They should also not be out any earlier than 4:30 p.m., November through March (or 7:00 p.m. April through October), of the day prior to the date of scheduled collection.
  • Bulk items need to be stored in compliance with Town ordinances prior to placement for the scheduled bulk item collection.
  • Items shall be placed as close as possible to the curb, or if there is no curb, as close as possible to the street or rear edge of property in the alley. *The account holder may be provided with written instructions for placement of future bulk items to allow appropriate collection.
  • To ensure the safety of the public, all doors on any appliances shall be removed before placement. The removed door shall not constitute a separate bulk item if it is placed with the appliance during the same collection.


  • Each trash can has a bar code on it so that it is associated with an account.
  • If it is easier to keep up with your trash can, or to know which one is yours, it is fine to write your house number/address on the outside of the can, too.
  • GFL uses that bar code at the time of pickup - when trash pickup is done, the barcodes are scanned and the can is dumped.
  • If your GFL trash can is damaged or stolen, please notify the Town of Pulaski's Finance Office so that GFL can get you a new one (and if your can has been stolen, you will need to do a police report).

Large Item Drop Sites / Recycling Centers

Convenience Center

The site will be available for use on January 3, 2023 for town residents and will be located at 100 Sheriff F.R. Conner Drive (The former brush drop site located directly behind the Sheriff's office).

There will be a site attendant on duty during hours to assist with drop offs.

Drop site hours:

Monday-Friday 1:00pm- 5:00pm

Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm

Items accepted:

Household, Recycling, Metal, Electronics, Tires, Appliances, Brush, and Batteries.

Town Residents must have proof of residence within the town to use the Convenience Center



8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (M-F)

42 1st Street
Pulaski, VA 24301

GFL Contacts


GFL Customer Service


Questions on GFL Accounts
