Meet Sarah Grim, Pulaski P.D. Sergeant

The Town of Pulaski is, without a doubt, small-town USA. We have all the trappings you'd expect of a close-knit community where everyone knows everyone, tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains. But more recently, Pulaski has been expanding; businesses are moving in, and with more business comes more people interested in making Pulaski their home. As Pulaski grows, its needs grow alongside it. A big part of those needs include the desire for an already great community to be well-kept and protected. While some of these obligations are filled by Town leaders and citizens, a large part of them are taken on by the Pulaski Police Department. As the Town looks to the future and all of the changes accompanying it, the Pulaski Police Department and its leadership look to ensure that Pulaski remains one of the jewels of the New River Valley.

Enter Sarah Grim. Sarah is a Sergeant with the Pulaski Police Department, having been on the force since October of 2008, and made it to where she is now in her current role. Throughout her time with the force, she's seen many people come and go, and always counts her colleagues as some of the best in the business, both in professional life and in friendship. There are many things that come with being a police officer, and one of those is the tendency for your work to follow you home. "As a Sergeant, I usually have work follow me home a lot, like paperwork from the office. On the other hand, work from my patrol time follows me home as well." Sarah mentioned that when she first started, her work went with her to the house more often than not. But as she progressed through her career, she learned to let most things slide off. "I learned to roll with the punches, and not let things get to me."

As a Sergeant, Mrs. Grim's responsibilities evolved significantly from when she began her work as a patrol officer. While she still spends a good portion of her time in a patrol car, her position now requires her to spend time at her desk in the office. The role of Sergeant also commands a significant amount of leadership in the department, as she presides over several other officers in the chain of command.

A very compelling facet of Sarah's life is her relationship with her husband, Dan Grim. They actually met through their work; Dan is also a Sergeant with the Pulaski Police Department, having worked there since January of 2007. They became close friends when they began working together on patrol in 2014, and over time that relationship blossomed into what is now. Sarah also feels that their relationship gained from sharing the same work place: "Since we were often working together, it helped us grow closer more quickly, and it also gave our relationship the added benefit of having each other's backs 24/7." They recently announced that a baby is on the way, so congratulations to both of them!

As mentioned, Pulaski is what would be considered a small town. One big aspect of that as a police officer is the affording of more chances to develop strong ties with the community which in turn leads to more trust and cooperation on both fronts. Being a police officer is Sarah's calling in life, and she loves experiencing the positive side of that role. "At events like ballgames in Calfee Park or the big festivals we have a couple of times a year, there are so many opportunities to really shine. We get to relax and hang out with our community, and so many of them (residents) are so thankful for the work that we do."

When Sarah isn't wearing the uniform, she likes to kick back and relax at the house with Dan and her pups, Rizzo and Sadie. When asked if she was a fan of books or movies, she gave a definite answer. "Movies, especially horror movies." Her favorite series is A Nightmare on Elm Street. "Something about the idea of something being able to haunt you even when you're sleeping really got me. I love those movies!" What was perhaps one of Sarah's most crucial answers involved her preference of pineapple on pizza. "Absolutely not. I think it's gross." Sarah has a right to her opinion, but this interviewer would have to respectfully disagree. Pineapple does go on pizza.

As the climate of opinion on police officers in our country continues to evolve and be debated, we think the Pulaski Police Department is a wonderful example of what a police department in sync with its community can truly offer. Our officers are all committed to making every day their best day, and ensuring that the community of the Town of Pulaski is well served and protected. Things differ when looked at through the scope of the national dialogue, and when looked at in a small town vs. big city atmosphere. But we know that the Pulaski Police Department will show up every day with their boots on, ready to face the day and continue making the Town of Pulaski a wonderful place to live and visit.

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